The US is the world's largest single market for coffee, and business is up over 5%, according to data from the NCA (National Coffee Association).
The biggest increase comes for the gourmet segment that includes Latte's, Cappuccinos, and the like. Over one-third of adults in the US drink these gourmet, fancier types of coffees.
Many coffee shops and chains will all claim to make the best Latte's. We have done a lot of research, and it appears that it is highly dependent on the individual Barista; perhaps more than anything.
If you want the perfect Latte, visit a series of coffee shops in your city, that either roast or get their beans daily from a local roaster. Order a Latte or two from each coffee shop until the find that one Barista that makes the perfect Latte. And tip that Barista well, so they will stay at that job!
Do you have what it takes to be a great Barista? If you are looking for a job as a Barista, or any job in a coffee shop, click here; we have 100's of Barista jobs!