Sustainability and Coffee Are Closely Related
On April 22 the world celebrated the 44th anniversary of Earth Day. Founded in 1970, Earth Day is credited with starting the environmental movement; by the end of 1970 the US created the EPA - and soon after the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act. It is hard to imagine a world without care for the environment. A big part of Earth Day is the concept of Sustainability; and Sustainability is closely tied to coffee. There are millions of coffee farmers in the world, and as more and more of them use sustainable methods of agriculture, our world becomes a better place. Sustainability is all about education; educating farmers (and consumers) is the key to sustainable coffee farming. |
You can find out more about Earth Day here, and more generally you can visit .
If we all work together, we can make this world a better place - for ourselves, and for future generations.