Coffee (Plus Citrus, Nuts, and More) Reduces Diabetes Risk
Drinking a couple cups a day can cut your risk of Diabetes by 10% or more. Decaf also helps, but not as much. These results have come out of a 'meta analysis' where a number of studies were combined, and analyzed (study source: PubMed).
No one is yet sure how coffee does this. It might be from the polyphenols it contains. It is also possible that there other, related factors - perhaps people who drink coffee are more active, or have less time to eat sugary foods. The benefits of coffee are higher for people who are not overweight.
Other dietary choices that may help reduce Diabetes include beans, Dark Leafy greens, Citrus, Berries, Sweet Potatoes (not white potatoes), and others. In general they are foods that have a low glycemic index. You can read more about this at
Are you in the mood for some coffee? Then its time to get a great deal on beans!