We are Very Impressed with Gourmet Rwanda Coffees

How can we help Rwandans? By buying their coffee - especially Fair Trade and Direct Trade coffees.
Rwandan coffee is often gourmet in flavor; they are a tropical, high elevation country with good soil. So we have started a store page here at Coffees.com, that focuses on Rwandan Coffee - click here to order.
If you have questions about Rwanda, after reading our page, spend some time online to see how the Rwandans have moved past the strife that so consumed the country. It is an impressive effort they are making, and inspirational
An excellent company that we just saw is called CoffeeOfGrace.com, which was started by Grace Hightower de NIro. Grace was so impressed with the Rwandan people that she decided to help them, by exporting their coffee to the USA and other parts of the world. You can order Grace's Rwandan coffee on our Rwanda store page.